Conceptual Bridge Design, Misurata, Libya

This bridge is located at the interchange at the crossing of the coastal road with Misurata’s Steel Industry road  no. 5. The interchange is currently configured as a T-Intersection with a 2-lane roadway intersecting a 4-lane roadway.

The client, Libya Housing and Infrastructure Board (HIB) intends to develop this crossing into a full interchange with grade separation.

Bonyan along with our international partner KPFF formed a technical team and worked on the conceptual bride design together. The team started working on the project 30% design late 2010, but the works had been interrupted by the 17th of February revelation.

By the end of the 2013 HIB expressed its intention to resume the 30% design work of the interchange. Subsequently, KPFF had restarted the conceptual and the alternative evaluation of the different design options. The main options included a full clover leaf, Single Point Urban Interchange, Diamond and Diverging Interchanges varieties, and other options with roundabout and tunnels. the client had chosen the “Full Clover Leaf” option as the preferred option for further development into a 30% design level per our original contract.